• 309 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London, N3 1DP

Solicitors’Bookeping - Insight Legal Software

Legal Compliance
Firms are required to operate within the rules set out by their governing Law Society, the SRA and HMRC amongst others. The rules are numerous, and compliance is virtually impossible without system help and support. Here at Insight, we can help, our software provides all the monitoring you require to ensure compliance.

What is Legal Compliance software?
Ensuring a firm maintains compliance with the regulations and requirements from relevant government bodies such as HMRC and Professional Organisations such as the National Law Society or SRA, is essential for Law firms to operate. Compliance should be one of the cornerstones of any Legal Software solution.

Your firm requirements include proper conflict checks, correctly handling client money, paying any interest due, prompt payment of suppliers and correctly submitting quarterly VAT returns. It is no longer adequate to rely on the trained and astute eyes of your accounts staff to spot and report each time a breach occurs. Our systems are developed with compliance at the core.